Special Offer for Marketo Customers:
Free Email & Landing Page Marketo Templates
Now available to all licensed Marketo customers* free of charge: (2) sets of professionally-designed Marketo templates – (1) for white papers and other downloadable information offers, and (1) for Webinars and event invitations.
Just fill out the form to the right, and we'll respond to your request within 72 hours. Qualified customers* will receive two (2) responsive email templates, and (2) matching, responsive landing page templates, all professionally designed by the Spear creative team, along with complete instructions for loading into Marketo.
All templates utilize responsive design, and landing pages are designed to take advantage of Marketo's guided landing page editor. Email templates are compatible with Marketo’s Email Editor 2.0, allowing for easy customization with your own brand imagery and color palette.
Once you've loaded the templates into Marketo, you'll be free to revise, clone, and re-use the templates as you wish. There's no cost to you – we just ask that you don't share the templates with anyone outside your company.
For additional information, see the FAQs.
*See terms and conditions for offer details.

Request free templates now
*As a subscriber, you'll receive a monthly email with the latest posts from our blog, including new demand generation ideas, strategies, tips, and techniques. Your email address will not be sold or rented for any reason and you can unsubscribe at any time.